There have been a lot of changes and fixes made to the server since the launch thanks to suggestions and reports made by the community. We appreciate all the help.
You can now obtain ranks just for playing on the server. These ranks are Member, Survivor, Hero, and Veteran. You can find out more about the ranks and benefits here.
We have added some of the VanillaTweaks datapacks including Cauldron Concrete, Dragon Drops, Player Head Drops, and More Mob Heads. We also plan on implementing a plugin that improves the Mending enchantment so stay tuned.
A community is nothing without its players which is why we always want to take your suggestions into consideration. If you have an idea for the server send it in here!
Donation Store:
The Donation Store is finally here and contains NO pay-to-win features. The donor ranks are functionally the same as the free ranks you get for playing on the server but include cosmetics. You can access the store here.